Friday, 27 April 2012

Derbyshire... really a beautiful county. If you're from the UK, I strongly suggest visiting, even for a short while.

I did an interview recently for Manchester based All.FM and was asked if my rural setting contributed to the space in my music. I hadn't really thought about it much before then, but I guess it's quite true. I'm usually inspired for two reasons, and one of which is my location. As anyone who reads this blog (hello to the few of you) will know, I wrote my first EP shortly after spending a lovely Christmas holiday near Robin Hoods Bay in Yorkshire. I owe a lot to that little cottage, it's beautiful location was one of the two catalysts for this whole project in reality.

So.. I've been rather busy lately, mostly with things like floor tiles, kitchen units and light fittings, but I've got a lot of new songs I want to work on when I get back in the studio (currently full of said items). I hope you precious few loyal readers can hold out for a little while for some fresh material, and as usual, thanks for listening / reading.

Here are some pictures taken near our new house and studio. 


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