Thursday, 2 May 2013


I've been making music for a long time, although 'Pinemarten' has only been around since December 2010. In that time I've realised that support for your music is a big deal, whether it comes from a friend or a complete stranger by means of the WWW. I think I've been lucky to have gained support from some very talented people in the last couple of years so todays post is just a thank you to those who have offered their time to me, and links for you to check out at your leisure...

TwoTap Digital

When I first started this project, it never occurred to me that someone might like to help me share my music with the world - I'd always thought I was in this on my own and although it has turned out to be quite an introversive affair I was lucky that Will from Two Tap Digital was there to help. He's been the main reason so many of you will have heard my records, helping with promotion, marketing and mainly being supportive and honest. He also works and manages a number of other artists, all worth your time - head on over to his site now to find out more, thanks Will! 


These guys have been making some amazing music for awhile now, with two albums under their belt and some excellent remixes. I was lucky enough to work on a remix of their song 'Tape' for it's release and they've also remixed my song 'Falling For You' late last year. They've always been supportive and pleased to help and it's certainly appreciated. thanks guys! Visit their Bandcamp page to listen to some excellent music indeed.


James a.k.a 'Alone Music' also remixed my single 'Falling For You' last year and has been so supportive about my endeavours. His own album 'Fizzing' is an excellent listen and if you buy the CD it's a great little package - very original and handmade. Thanks James for all your kind words and support! Check out the Alone Music Bandcamp page for more.

Jason Cooke

Jason is a radio DJ for Manchester based ALL FM. He came across my music on a blog and got in touch asking for a brief interview. Firstly I was so excited to be asked for an interview, and it was a great experience, even though I think my phone was rubbish and turned out to be a bit muffled! Secondly, Jason has been playing my records on his show and I can't thank him enough for this - cheers Jason!  Check out ALL FM here.

Of course, lets not forget she who you've all heard so much about, literally. If you've ever listened to the lyrics of 'Dont Let Me Be Denied' or 'I Want To Show You Loving' you'll realise they're not songs about breakfast, or a particularly tasty desert, they're about a girl - a girl who has changed my life in the last two years and who has supported my music all the way. To her I owe the biggest thank you and later I'll make her a big cup of tea as a start...

There are so many others who have offered their support and kind words over the last 24 months, but I can't fit everyone in... mainly a big thank you to all my listeners who have put up with my 'no frills' approach to promotion and the vague details on who I actually am..! I appreciate all your time, and as usual,

Thanks for listening / reading!


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